Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ethan is 2 Months Old!

What?! And Christmas is only 9 days away. Okay time..."whatever". 2 Months Old!1 Month Old
Hooray! Look who doesn't mind to sit up now! I cannot comprehend how fast these littles grow in the first year! HOW!!
2 Months Old!

Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz
Length: 22.5"
Head: 38.5 cm

He gained another pound in 3 weeks! I have a feeling he'll be plateauing from now on!

  • The newborn stuff has officially been retired as of 7 weeks
  • He outgrew his newborn diapers and fits the smallest setting of our small FuzziBunz well!
  • I've started putting the millions of Robeez crib shoes I own on him, especially because they help keep socks on him!
  • Mostly he wears jammies. Why not? We're home most often and he spits so much it's just easier to change
  • He's in 3 month Carter's, Old Navy, and Pekkle...but he won't be in the sleepers much longer!
2 Months Old!
    • Very well still. I don't keep track of how often, during the day it's every 3ish hours I'd say  
    • He eats very efficiently and still cluster feeds about once per week, and that's usually when he has a monster stretch of sleep!
    • My mastitis has cleared up and I have a few days of antibiotics left! Please God, don't let that ever happen again!
    • He is still very spitty. Probably spittier than Braden ever was. But? He's not bothered by it in the least and he's (clearly) gaining enough weight! Some days he'll hardly spit at all, then others he'll seem to spit up everything I fed him the whole day and night...but obviously he doesn't. I keep praying he won't be bothered by it and that he'll outgrow this sooner than later
    2 Months Old!
    • Still in his cradle, though it seems smaller every day and has gotten his arm between the slats and he doesn't like that very much! As soon as the crib bedding arrives, we'll put up the crib for him
    • He's up, unfortunately, at 5-5:30 every morning without failure. I need to figure out how to reset his alarm much later! I suppose it will come!
    • He's up anywhere from 2-3 hours and then he's down for a nap. We have been stuck in the 45 minute nap, but sometimes he'll surprise me and nap for 2+ hours
    • The rest of the day is eating/sleeping as per usual baby routine
    • Bedtime is 6:30-7:30 and I can't believe he has settled into this early bedtime routine already! Braden at this age (because I had to check) was going to bed around 10! I didn't have anything to do with it. A couple of weeks ago he started having long evening "naps" of 3-4 I figured he was telling me that was indeed bedtime and not one final nap!
    • He has a long stretch of anywhere from 4 hours to his longest of 8.5+ hours. He's done 8+ hour stretches twice and they're oooooooooh so nice!
    • Then it takes me about 1/2 hour to change, feed, & settle him and it's almost like clock work that he'll sleep 2.5 hours. The odd time he'll sleep 3-4 hours, but it's usually the 2.5 hour stretch which often brings us to the 5:00 wake time.
    • Technically I'm only getting up with him once per night...but since we get up so early it feels like twice!
    • I reeeeeeeeeeally hope he starts sleeping past 5! I'm very gracious for the long stretch of sleep, but the early wake up calls are just killer. I don't function well before 7AM
    • Smiles! Started at 6 weeks to the day and he hasn't stopped
    • Cooing! Just started last week and I don't think giggles are too far behind
    • Slept 8 hours 40 minutes. Technically this is "sleeping through the night" but it doesn't feel like it when he slept from 6:30 - 3ish!  
    • Taking a bottle of Mommy's milk very well for the first time! (FREEEEEEDOMMMM!!!)
    • Babysat for the first time by Poppy. Mommy & Daddy went to the dinner theatre for the matinee show and left you for almost 5 hours! You took your bottle and slept for 2.5 hours!
    7 Weeks
    Ethan is still the gruntiest baby you've ever met. I think he's even embarrassed Grandma in church with his loud grunts! ;) He likes his car seat still and sleeps everywhere we go, which makes trips with the two of them so much less stressful for me! He love, love, loves his play mat and happily kicks away listening to his music for up to an hour, it's lovely!

    This last month we also asked our friends Samantha & Vince to be Ethan's Godparents and they said yes! It's very special to me that they said yes, especially because Samantha has known Ethan since the minute he was born, literally. She took all the lovely L&D pics for us! We'll have Ethan dedicated sometime in the spring when the weather is (usually) predictably nicer for my family that has to travel.
     7 Weeks
    Ethan, you fit into this family absolutely perfectly and are such a blessing to us! I just love this baby so so so much. He is the happiest little baby...and will guaranteed be a goof just like the rest of us!
    7 Weeks