Monday, February 1, 2010

The First Few Days

It's amazing how natural adjusting to mommyhood has been. I felt like perhaps there was a course I should have taken or something, but it truly is a miracle how it all just falls into place. Braden's first few days home have been great. Our first night together was a bit trying for me. I had it in my head that my baby was going to be awake every 2-3 hours to feed and would sleep in between.....yeah notsomuch! :) He only napped 30 mins - 1 hour that first night and I didn't realize it at the time, but he was cluster feeding, which is totally normal but not something I was prepared for. I dealt with it just fine, but I have already learned the hard way that I really need to sleep when Braden is sleeping! He had a 4+ hour nap yesterday afternoon and I just decided I was not the least bit tired...well he only slept a maximum 1 hour at a time after that, all night! I do love his periods of wakefullness though, I wouldn't trade those for the world right now. I smartened up today though, I slept 3 hours (in a row!) this morning for the first time in over a week, as I wasn't sleeping good when I was overdue. It was like heaven...and just now I had another 2 hour nap, and Braden is still snoozing away in his swing. I think I'm getting the hang of this!
Snuggles with Daddy after a nice, warm bath!

Snuggling with my little burrito baby!!

Feedings are going really well which I'm very thankful for. I'm still a bit sore from labour, mostly muscle/body aches from being so tense during my contractions. I feel it in my ribs and all throughout my back. Jay came in at the end of my morning nap to tell me that Braden was starting to stir a bit, and he looked at me, kissed me, and said "we have the cutest baby ever!" Jay has been giving Braden his baths at night, which really don't take very long because he SCREAMS the entire time in protest. Our little man does not like to be naked! We are having Braden's newborn pictures taken this Saturday morning...and of course they like to do lots of cute naked pictures, so we'll have to keep him nice and toasty warm for his photo shoot! I'm really excited and can't wait to share the pictures.


  1. Sounds like your little family is doing great!! I can't wait to see his newborn pictures!

  2. Send Grandma home .... I'm hungry .... Grandpa Tim, Just kidding see you on Thursday with Great Grandma,

    Love you all,


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