Friday, December 17, 2010

We Win! We Win!

If any of you are (still) my friends on Facebook, you'll know that last week there was an iNsAnE campaign to get votes for Braden to Pink Dot Design's holiday photo contest. There were only 6 entries, and of the 6 only 2 of them were actually "holiday" themed photos. It was a tight race between Braden's photo in his Santa hat, booties, and red FuzziBunz diaper...but with a lot of help from friends we pulled out with about a 15 vote lead and won it last Friday - yippee!! That was actually the 2nd photo contest that picture won this year. The first contest it won was a judged contest from I will never again submit a photo that is by VOTES! Here is the announcement of our winning in their monthly newsletter:
Click HERE to watch the video slideshow of the other entries!

I hope that I can win other contests in the future. I won a $25 gift certificate to use at (part of in which I bought one of these:
It is a Planet Wise wet/dry diaper bag. It is a large enough size that I can take all my diapers with us when we travel and it has a wet compartment for the dirty diapers and a dry compartment for the clean ones. I've wanted one for a long time! :) From the Facebook Pink Dot Design contest I won a $50 gift certificate to her store, which I've gotten Braden's birth announcement, 6 month card, and our Christmas card from (look for his 1 year card coming soon!) and a $25 Costco gift card. $100 in free stuff just for taking a picture of my darling boy! Pretty darn cool!

If that picture of the newsletter is too small, please feel free to follow THIS LINK to the actual newsletter!