Monday, August 15, 2011

Braden & His Best Furry Buddy

Our son loves animals. Well, our dog and two cats, anyway...that's no secret. Lately he's started calling our older cat Miles "my Miles" which sounds in his language like "ma mows" or, quite honestly, "mama". He calls the younger cat Gus "Gus Gus" which ends up sounding like "guh guh" which ends up sounding like "dada". So he has a new mama and dada....the cats! As I've stated in a previous post, he is now calling our dog Kihei (key hay) "Kiki".

For months Gus has taken his afternoon nap very habitually on one of Braden's toys and we call it Gus' hammock. Since Braden can climb up pretty much everything now, he has been seen doing this recently with his best little furry buddy Gus...
B & G
Giving Gus a kiss...
Braden & Gus
And a pet...
Braden & Gus
He chases the cats when he sees them squealing "mow-mow-mow-mow-mow!" (meow) in a very cute high-pitch voice.

Does your little one show a lot of affection for your pets or anything/anyone in particular?


  1. Oh my! Lovevthese pics. Too cute!

  2. I love your blog! The pictures are fabulous and I love the stats on your sidebar. I'm also very jealous of your upcoming trip to Maui. :) I'm your newest Twitter and Pinterest Follower from Toddle Along Tuesdays.

  3. Adorable pictures, Alex isn't quite old enough yet to really interact with our dogger but DH and I can't wait to see how they become best friends!

  4. It is truly wonderful to see how much he loves animals. he's like me.... he likes animals better than people.

  5. My kids love animals. Mostly Livi. Did you see the picture of her kissing the goats at the fair? They often blow kisses to show their love of things.

  6. Your little guy is super cute! Just found you through the toddle tuesday hop.

    My 10 m.o. has been "hugging" our dog a lot more lately, mostly in the form of tail pulling.

  7. I just LOVE this! Particularly since we just added a kitten to our family. They seem to get along really well so far but I hope they end up something like this!

  8. Wow, 7 comments! Haven't had that many...EVER! Love it, keep them coming and be sure to follow along!


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