Monday, December 19, 2011

I Love This Guy

Don't get me wrong, I love my husband very much, but this one's about my Braden! I feel like I've bonded with him so much lately. I can't explain it. The "Mommy? Mommy?" 's that I hear all the time, all the kisses, the sharing, the cleaning up his toys, helping me unload the dishwasher...oh I melt! How can you not love this guy?
Just Chillin'
Cheese faces:
"Cheese!" face!
"Cheese!" face!
This kid has crazy, crazy hair now!
Crazy Hair, Child!
Crazy Hair, Child!
But he still does get into some trouble. Like stealing my address book and draw in it!
Just Chillin'
That's all! Happy Monday!


  1. He is at SUCH an adorable age!! He is so happy and well behaved... how can you not love him to bits! He can cheer anyone up no matter how crabby they may be!! ADORE the child!!

  2. Ah! Unbelievably cute, I don't know if I have told you this before but you made one handsome boy!!!

  3. His expressions are amazing! My 15 month daughter's hair is about the same length and sticks up just like that all the time!!


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