Saturday, December 19, 2009

Off For Christmas

I decided to take an early Christmas break and worked my last shift today. We decided that we will go up to Edmonton a day earlier on the 22nd to have some more time with our family and hopefully even sneak a visit in with some friends too. I'm still feeling really good at work, but working a 12 hour shift today sure was different than an 8 hour shift. I only have two 12 hour shifts left so I should be able to get through them. I think this Christmas will be very special, but very busy! We will have Kihei with us for 3 nights in Edmonton so hopefully things go smoothly. She gets better everytime, but hasn't gotten along so well in the past with mom and dad's shih tzus. Kihei plays a little too rough for those little guys...but we plan to keep her busy at the dog park and take her for lots of walks. Hope that you have all your shopping done and have a good last few days before Christmas!

I have to credit Flickr friend Renee for the lovely photo I used!