Thursday, May 27, 2010


It's a 4 month post-partum miracle!! I'm back in my skinny jeans!! I had a pair of jeans that were always too loose on me pre-pregnancy, so they fit me perfectly post-pregnancy. Today I had them on and was constantly pulling them up. I way! So I got brave, pulled out a pair of size 5/6 Wranglers that I bought not too long before I got pregnant...and they fit perfectly! Hooray for breastfeeding, thanks Braden!


  1. I told you you looked amazing. YIPEE!!!!!!

  2. :) good for you!!!

    So, I am starting to look in to cloth diapering! I have thought about it quite a bit. I even found some clearance ones online. I know you bought a bunch and was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing your incite about them. What brands worked best, etc.... I would REALLY appreciate it. <3

  3. you suck. happy for you, but not fair.

    and Alissa, i CD'd my son for a while, my favorites were bum genius, & fuzzibunz (best in my opinion).

  4. Haha, thanks girls.

    Alissa, I would definitely get a cloth diaper trial from a website like They send you a bunch of different brands to try for a few weeks so you can see what ones you like best when your baby is born. I wouldn't bother buying anything for a newborn unless it's prefolds and diaper covers. Just Google "cloth diaper trial" and you'll find a bunch of info. It's awesome!


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