Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Crafty Mom

My Mom has picked up a new hobby lately, and Braden and I have been reaping lots of the benefits! She's gotten back into crocheting and has made some really cute hats!

Braden doesn't really like wearing hats...but he will if I ask him to and he understands he needs to wear them outside especially! Hard to get a picture of this guy in time!
And he even got a Thomas hat made for him!
She made owl hats for the twins, a red hat for Sophia, and this nice pink hat for Trinity:
I'm trying to convince her to open up an Etsy shop, but she says she needs to hone her skills a bit more before that happens! I smell a blog giveaway if she ever decides to open up a shop! Good luck, Mom!


  1. These are really really great! She def needs to open a shop, adorable! Such talent

  2. I am so jealous! I need to learn to knit or something. Does she have an etsy shop? If not, she should!

  3. She needs to open an etsy shop! These are fantastic! I would definitely buy!

  4. He is so lovely...merry christmas..


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